Welcome to Build a Better Fairview (BABF)
We are a group of residents, community and local service organizations dedicated to the responsible, equitable and sustainable development of the Fairview area. We want to work with all stakeholders and decision makers to ensure equitable neighbourhood change through meaningful community engagement and involvement as part of new proposed developments like the Fairview Mall.
Read, sign and share our petition here
Learn more about Build a Better Fairview and the community vision in this report (September 2023) - A Report on Community Needs and Benefits: A Community Study by Build a Better Fairview
November 2024 - BABF recognized for Community Champion Award by Association of Community Legal Clinics of Ontario
Photo: Sarah Modesta, representative from the Willowdale Community Legal Clinic board accepting the Community Champion Award
October 2024 - Fairview Mall OPA Approved By City of Toronto
In October 2024, the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) was approved by the North York Community Council and City Council. OPA is the process through which the City guides and approves changes to policies and/or designations within the Official Plan. The OPA allows for a total of 14 new buildings, with height ranges between 24 and 52-storeys, 9,500 square metres of parkland, a multi-use path along the east side of Fairview Mall Drive, new public streets, existing private driveways, and a total of approximately 6,200 residential dwelling units. The Mall will stay and continue to operate.
BABF Advocacy
After the release of the staff report, BABF held an online community meeting to review the proposal and gather input from community members, community groups and organizations and businesses in the local community. These questions and concerns were shared with the local City Councillor Shelley Carroll. Several BABF representatives and community members attended the North York Community Council meeting in person to share concerns. (Photo: Rola Hamdan deputing at NYCC on October 29th)
Key Wins
Revised Proposal - After significant community feedback and concerns were raised in February 2024, Cadillac Fairview and city planning staff met over many months to revise the development proposal.
Affordable Housing - At least 40 units (approx. 3% of gross floor area for each phase) of affordable housing will be included in the first phase of development
Climate Action and Sustainability - We applaud Cadillac Fairview’s commitment to striving for the highest tier of TGS in place at the time of permit application. We ask that the City hold Cadillac Fairview accountable to this goal.
Ongoing Concerns
Affordable Housing - We are seeking 20% of new housing units be affordable, in perpetuity, and as per the City of Toronto’s OPA 558 definition. Half of these affordable units (10% total) should be deeply affordable, RGI units.
Community Spaces and Facilities - We ask that Cadillac Fairview revise the OPA to include high level information on
the general size, location, and phasing of the proposed spaces for childcare, community organizations and public schools on site
Public Realm Design, Infrastructure - We have heard from numerous residents the need to address impacts to traffic
as well as pedestrian safety. In the current OPA, the design of paths between the north and the south of the site lack animation, and conflict with parking areas, highway entrances, and loading zones. BaBF requests that the revised OPA include a clearer strategy for a safe, accessible, and active pedestrian realm to minimize additional traffic from this development
Equitable Economic Development - Include local residents and Black, Indigenous and equity deserving groups in the development through inclusive local workforce development, apprenticeships and training and social procurement
Working Group - BABF would like to see the City Councillor and Cadillac Fairview to establish a community working group to continually engage with local residents and organizations as the approval process progresses
August 2024 - BABF Fairview Area Community Walk
On August 10th, BABF led a Fairview area community walk with community members, community groups, local organizations and faith groups. The community walk included learning more about the history of the Fairview area, new development proposals including the proposed Cadillac Fairview Fairview Mall redevelopment and Sheppard Subway Extension.
The conversation centred on local priorities for community benefits including the need for new deeply affordable housing, equitable economic opportunities during construction and long term, neighbourhood improvements including enhanced community and social services, affordable child care spaces, a new public TDSB school, new centralized public park spaces and green, sustainable development.
A special thank you to the Working Women Community Centre for hosting us at their office.
May 2024 - BABF Community Event with local City Councillor Shelley Carroll
On May 6th, Build a Better Fairview hosted a community meeting with local City Councillor Shelley Carroll to discuss the future of the Fairview Mall. The owner of property, Cadillac Fairview is proposing 12 new condo towers with additional developments planned at the surrounding intersections at Don Mills Station.
February 2024 Update - City Staff Recommends Refusal of Cadillac Fairview, Fairview Mall development proposal
On February 22, 2024 the City of Toronto North York Community Council discussed and voted on the City staff recommendations for refusal of the Fairview Mall development proposal submitted by Cadillac Fairview.
The City staff report outlines:
o Staff find that elements of the proposed Official Plan Amendment (OPA) are not consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement(PPS) policies concerning matters such as the establishment of appropriate phasing and coordination, orderly progression of development, providing for a range and mix of housing options, planning for safe public streets and infrastructure that meet the needs of pedestrians, provision for a healthy and active community, provision of appropriate built form, public spaces, infrastructure and public service facilities, and providing for a full range and equitable distribution of public facilities including parklands and public spaces.
o The proposed OPA does not conform to Growth Plan policies on developing complete communities, providing a diverse range and mix of housing options including affordable housing that can accommodate the needs of all household sizes and incomes, providing additional opportunities for new major office and major institutional development to be located within major transit station areas, providing opportunities for new public service facilities, providing appropriate policies to address the impacts of climate change and environmental sustainability, integrated planning, transportation, and the implementation of appropriate development standards through the Official Plan and other supporting documents.
At the North York Community Council meeting on February 2024, Build a Better Fairview advocated for the City to work with Cadillac Fairview (CF) on a plan to meaningfully revise their proposal for the redevelopment at Fairview Mall, to align with local priorities, instead of voting for refusal.
Build a Better Fairview Statement - North York Community Council
BABF agrees with the many reasons that City Planning has given for recommending refusal of the OPA and rezoning application. We are heartened to see that the community concerns we raised in our report -from the lack of affordable housing, to the inadequate provision of public spaces and infrastructure -also reflected in City Planning’s comments.
However, we are worried that a refusal of the application at this point provides the grounds for Cadillac Fairview to appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal. This will preclude any further community input. We also see that Cadillac Fairview is prepared not to appeal, at least until July, should the NYCC vote against refusal.
Under these challenging circumstances, we ask that City staff use this limited window of time to stand firm in representing the needs of the community. BABF does not want the looming pressure of an OLT appeal to result in the City approving a scheme that favours the developer while compromising on benefits for local residents.
We are grateful for the work the City has done so far in organizing a community consultation session and an open house series for this project, and we acknowledge that Cadillac Fairview has been present at these events.
However, as we have noted in our previous correspondence (attached), CF’s September resubmission shows that they have not listened to any of the resident concerns expressed at these meetings.
In the months moving forward, City staff must remain strong advocates of the community, and work with CF on a revised proposal that meaningfully addresses our need for a better future for Fairview Mall.
Read the full BABF letter here
Watch the BABF deputation here
Hear the deputations from local resident leaders Arlene and Florencio who are with the Willowdale Community Legal Clinic JusticeMakers program
Next Steps - Item Referred to July 9th North York Community Council Meeting
At the North York Community Council meeting, local City Councillor Shelley Carroll moved a Motion to Refer Item to the meeting on July 9th
1. Refer this item back to the Director, Community Planning, North York District so that the applicant can work with City staff to address comprehensive planning issues for the overall site at 1800 Sheppard Avenue East and report to the July 9, 2024 meeting of North York Community Council on such matters to include, but not limited to:
a. the phasing of the proposed development that addresses land use including the mix of residential and non-residential uses, including affordable housing;
b. provision of the public street network and the public realm;
c. site organization;
d. integration of development with Toronto Transit Commission facilities;
e. provision of public parkland sizes, configurations and locations to be conveyed to the City in fee simple;
f. timing and provision of municipal servicing infrastructure; and
g. planning for community service facilities.
Read local City Councillor Shelley Carroll's letter here
Our Priorities
Housing & Density
We ask that the new developments at Fairview Mall and 5 Fairview Mall Drive include a maximum amount of affordable housing. 20% of new housing units should be dedicated as "affordable" rentals per the City of Toronto's revised definition, with 10% of units to be rent-geared-to-income social housing units.
New developments must be planned at appropriate densities so they can be well supported by existing public services and infrastructure. New buildings should minimally impact adjacent low rise residential neighbourhoods, existing apartments and public spaces. Access to sunlight, especially during winter season, should not be obstructed for any residential homes located north of the development. The density should not be 50% more than the current maximum allowed. Towers should be maximum 40 storeys on the south of the site, and 30 storeys on the north side.
Equitable Economic Development
The proposed developments must economically benefit local residents. We call on the developer team to support local partnerships and training programs, and dedicate 20% of employment opportunities arising from the developments to be prioritized for local residents.
We also ask for the inclusion of affordable, below-market rate commercial spaces for local businesses, local charities/non-profits/resident groups, child care, and service providers.
Quality Public Spaces
It is currently unsafe to walk around Fairview Mall. To improve, we need quality, accessible pedestrian connections leading to Fairview Library, TTC stops, and adjacent neighbourhoods via Sheppard Ave, Don Mills, and Fairview Mall Drive.
The area also lacks public green space. The developer team and City planning should work with local residents to co-design public park spaces and trails that are well-connected to other pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, that are accessible to all, that can be used in all seasons, and that support community-determined recreational programming. Green spaces should be interconnected and support biodiversity.
Have a question or want to contact us? We can be reached at [email protected]
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Instagram - BuildaBetterFairview